Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Online Casino Game Laws of The World In a Nutshell

Online casino games are famous all around the world and the craze for most famous games like online poker, slots, and rummy will never end. But over the years many countries have made strict rules for the operators and fair rules for the players who are into social casino games. Let’s take a look at some of these countries and their stand on gambling:-


Australia is one of the best countries where one can gamble legally. The Australian legal system has offered people a safe haven for gambling. Australia has favourable laws for online card game players, as well as for the online casino game websites running in Australia. The only problem in Australia was that dozens of sites were there but only a few of them offered the safe haven for players to play online casino games. However Aus based and non Non-Aus based casino websites were ordered under the Interactive Gambling Act (2001) to have customer care support and complaints based system. So if you have a social casino game website in Australia, you better have a good customer support or it's hell down under.

United States of America

The U.S. has a very flexible law for online casino games. The concept of gambling and online casino is not a new thing for USA. The law only differs from state to state, and is governed by the respective State Legal Bodies. Nevada where Las Vegas is situated, is the well known casino playing destination of the world. The State of Nevada runs only two major online poker sites (WSOP and Ultimate Poker). New Jersey on the other hand gives license to those poker sites which are originated from the State of New Jersey and only playable by the players residing in New Jersey. The online poker scene in Delaware is scarce due to the high taxes, people over there are losing interest in online casino games. Eventually Delaware will join the likes of Washington and Utah which are considered too strict about their non-gambling policies. It is said that if a person is caught running an illegal casino or playing casino games, they can land up being thrown in prison for 5 years along with $10,000/violation. Utah is just the opposite of Nevada, here there is a prohibition for both online casino and physical casino.

United Kingdom

In U.K. The Gambling Act (2005), forbids all foreigners to play and cash-out their winnings. Casinos without a Gambling Commission license are not allowed to  advertise their social casino game services to customers in the UK. The whitelist makes exceptions to the advertising ban for certain jurisdictions that prove they meet the standards set forth by the Gambling Act 2005. This act also ensures that online casino does not become a source of crime or a funding for terror. It ensures to conduct online casino in a fair fashion. It also ensures that no children or vulnerable person or a gambling addict can play in online casino games.

France and Germany

In France, the laws are more flexible to get a license for running an online casino game website.The legal system has made a very polished law about the gambling scene in the country. But an operator has to go through rigorous authorization process to start a online casino website. As Wine bottles go through tasting contest in Paris, the same happens with Online casino games here. But, on the other hand Germany has very messy online casino game regulations. The country bans most forms of online casino gameplay, although one state within Germany started issuing licenses but they were also revoked a year later.... Read full blog here- Online Casino Game Laws of The World In a Nutshell

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