Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Five Unbelievable Facts About Card Games

You definitely love playing the card games, I do too, I've seen people make their own 
customized cards just to be able to play, others also download the game on their devices. 
But there are some basic interested, unbelievable and shocking facts about card games 
that you obviously don't know. Remember the list of card games keep growing daily, so 
we are not going to be specific about a card type.

In this article, we will be exploring just 5 of the unbelievable facts about the long list of card 
games. As this will help appreciate the card games better.

Fact 1: The Origin of cards.
Scholars all over the world agree that the origin of card games dates back to the 19th century, 
it is generally believed that the game was invented by the Chinese, the first real deck of the 
card was the old 32cards Chinese domino card that features all the 21 possible combinations 
of a pair of die. Most also argue that the first pack were printed on bones, papers and other materials.

Fact 2: How long does it take for a card to expire in a casino, especially Las Vegas
One factor that defines how long a card uses is how busy the table is and how the cards are 
being shuffled (by hand or by machine). Most card can last up to 12 hours and sometimes as 
small as one hour. The variation is because most players pay attention and if a card is faulty they 
can easily notice it, and this will help them win.

Fact 3: Change in material
As you may not have noticed though, most cards played in casinos are made of plastic. These 
plastics are known to last longer than papers or other materials, and with plastic cards, it is 
believed that cheating in the game will be reduced. Plastic cards are believed to be hard and 
not transparent, this contributed to the its use.

Fact 4: Card has once helped American citizens escape the prison.
Isn't that funny? During world war II, war prisoners saw cards that revealed to them a map that 
helped them escape. The government helped produce these cards though and when wet, it reveals 
a secret map to prisoners, so after arranging the card together, they can easily find their way out 
of the prison.

Fact 5: Shuffling of cards.
Do you know that it is very unlikely to shuffle a card the same way twice? Due to the order of 
a 52-card deck (52 factorial), it is generally believed that a properly shuffled card has never 
produced the same result ever. No matter the method of shuffling it, a card game remains 
unpredictable. The popular method of card shuffling includes the overhand, rifle and Hindu 
shuffling. Most although loves the rifle method of shuffling as it has little risk of exposing 
the card while shuffling.

Wow, those facts are so amazing, I'm sure you've not heard about them before. Well, I 
guess when next you're playing one in the long list of card games, you’ll remember these facts.